Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Birthday Blog Candy

This Post will Remain at the top of my blog until 21st June. Please scroll down to see most recent posts.

Well as regular readers of my blog are aware my 40th Birthday is fast approaching and I want to share the celebrations with you by way of a blog candy give away.

This candy will be open to followers of my blog as a way of saying thank you for all the wonderful comments and inspiration that you give me.

I made this handbag gift set with my most favourite designer paper, Bella Rose from Stampin Up.

Blog candy includes

Brand new umounted Stampin Up stamp set - Whimsical Words
Designer handbag gift bag
Lined notebook
Mini note pad
gold gel pen

I am happy to post this candy to anywhere in the world.

All that is required is

1.leave a comment 
2.Be a  follower
3. Post a link to this blog candy on the side bar of your blog.

Winner will be announced on Monday 21st June.

(I will try to figure out between now and then how to do the whole random number generator thing but otherwise the old names in the hat it will have to be).



Shirley-Anne said...
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Kerrie said...

Wow thanks for sharing... great candy.

Lisa Jane said...

Hi Michelle - what gorgeous Birthday Candy.And of course .. its already in my sidebar !
Hope you are well
Lisa ;)

Helen said...

Beautiful candy, Michelle.

Tammy said...

This is a beautiful giveaway...I as well have a candy giveaway if you would like to pop over. Thanks for the chance.

Fae said...

Gorgeous candy Michelle. Love visiting your blog for inspiration. I really hope that you have a lovely birthday, i have just celebrated my 38th birthday (only two more years to go and then I'm going to have a huge party!).
Anyway, good luck with the candy giveaway and hope you have a lovely day.

Hugs, wishes and fairy kisses
Fae xx

Marlene said...

Ok - as much as I keep saying I will not do this anymore - I can't help it this time. That gorgeous set is just too irresistible.

Happy upcoming birthday! Life is just beginning! :)

Kim said...

I am following.

Kim said...

Your gift set is beautiful!

Angela @ A Mama's Two Cents Worth... said...

I am a follower
Angela email: nscrofan at rogers dot com
A Mama with 2 Cents Worth to Share

Jill said...

I'm now your newest follower! :) This giveaway is just beautiful, I'll be mentioning it on my blog (envirocraftiness.blogspot.com)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sarah said...

This set is so cute! I love stampin up products! Hope I win!

Courtney said...

I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely blog candy!


Bug-a-Boo Images & Photography said...

What a nice giveaway!

Have a great birthday!!!


Unknown said...

Fun! Best birthday wishes to you! I don't have a blog, so I cannot link it---but hopefully soon, I will become brave and start one!

Linda Richards said...

I'm a follower! I love this awesome set you have put together for a giveaway!

shan19 said...

Just became a follower of your blog...thanks for the chance to win!

Tracy said...

This is so pretty. I found you through Marlene's blog.

Erika said...

How fun! Thanks for the chance to win - and Happy Birthday!!

Erika said...

It's in my sidebar.

Krysta said...

You make such beautiful items, thank your for sharing them and giving inspiration to others. Life only begins at 40, I wish you all the best for another wonderful 40 years ahead.

Lavender and old lace said...

they say life begins at 40, so think along those lines and have a very happy day, and thank you so much for sharing with all of your followers, love Dorothy

Whimcees said...


I have left my comment, I am a follower and I have posted to my blog of your wonderful blog candy! :<)

Wishing you a great weekend!

Barbara Diane

Rhonda Miller said...

Wow, what great candy. Thanks for a chance. I have posted it on my sidebar and am now following you.

Create With Joy said...

Happy Birthday Michelle! I love your blog and your candy is just gorgeous (the colors remind me of my mom!) I am a new follower and have added your candy to my sidebar at Create With Joy. Please visit when you have a moment - I'd be delighted if you joined my family of Kindred Spirits as well!


FLJewel said...

How pretty the candy is! Thanks for the chance.

rinat said...

Fabulous candy thanks for the chance to win all these lovely goodies. , I have added your candy to my sidebar with a link back to you

Kaz said...

Gorgeous set michelle, thanks for the chance to win, I too am gonna be the big 40 this year( mines in November) I was dreading it but now Im warming to it lolx Best wishes for your special day and good luck to every one x


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful set you have made~thanks for the chance to win it. I have added you to my sidebar http://cheribella.wordpress.com and am now a follower.

Emma said...

Happy birthday Michelle, I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating.
Your candy is so beautiful, such a gorgeous set...thank you for the chance to win. I will pop a pic and link on my sidebar.
Hugs Emma x

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

I love finding new blogs. I love finding blog candy. I wish you Happy Birthday! And I now follow and will put this on my sidebar too!

Judith Veldhuizen said...

Great Candy! I have become follower and put your candy on my sidebar!

JohannaL said...

I have become a follower and will put a picture on my sidebar :)

Susie Q said...

Oops! Also just became a follower...I want to see more!

Susie Q said...

Well happy upcoming Birthday! And I LOVE finding new blogs so I am glad to find you!

And what a lovely gift!

liz said...

hi, so cute candy and handcrafty you make
where do u get those inpiration ?

anw i am already your follower

email me :)

thankies for helding this giveaway

Tammy said...

Hi Michelle! Happy Birthday and gorgeous candy! I will post it on my sidebar!
Hugs, Tammy

Evgeniia said...

What remarkable candy! With the big pleasure became your reader and the reference to my page at the left http://happyblondy.blogspot.com/

Lavender and old lace said...

I have posted before but forgot to say I am a follower and have just found out how to link your candy back to your blog from my sidebar so I am very proud of myself xxxxD

SamantaTG said...

I'm now your newest follower! :) This giveaway is just beautiful, I'll be mentioning it on my blog http://sammyscrafts.blogspot.com/
thankies for helding this giveaway


Zimtschnecke said...

Hi Michelle,

wow, what a wonderful and gorgeous Birthday Candy! It's amazing! Thank you so much for the chance to win... Love visiting your blog for inspiration. ;-)

And I really hope that you have a lovely birthday!



Unfortunately I can not link images in my sidebar. Sorry... :-/

Dragons Lair Designs said...

Hi Happy Birthday :)

I am a follower and i posted on my Blog :)


Anonymous said...

OMG!! this is amazing giveaway . I love ur bag print!! Soooo Cutee ! :D
and happy bday too!!

i link back ur giveaway on my sidebar "awesome giveaway" wish me luck!!! ><



im ur new follower :)

Mari The Sock said...

Happy Birthday! Great Candy! I put link on my blog, too.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Michelle! Your stuff is amazing! I love the dump truck. I added your blog candy to my sidebar and wrote up a post about your blog.

Brenda said...

Whooops, sorry, I am a follower and I added you to my sidebar at http://brendasstampingcorner.blogspot.com

Have a great evening!

Brenda said...

Hi Michele,

Nice site. Your blog candy is really nice, love the hand bag.

chris said...

Hi Michelle
just found your blog by mistake I was on dorothy's blog and scrolling down, when i must have clicked on something and ended up here , anyway your blog is fabulous,absolutely stunning work .
hugs chris xx

Vanderzwaag family news said...

Hi, I am a new follower, love your crafts! I don't have a blog yet.. still learning. I love your candy giveaway. Happy birthday!

Shalini said...

Hi, lovely candy... Thanks for the chance to win...


Ash said...

I love the sophisticated look of that cute bag..... Perfect creations & so is the candy..... Kudos!!! Thanks for spreading cheers!!!!


Basteltriene said...

Hello and thank you for the chance to win this great candy!
I added your blog candy to my sidebar and I am a follower.

Cinthia H said...

This blog candy is wonderful. I am in love with that designer handbag gift bag. I would like to try to make one soon but don't have all the materials yet...
Your blog is wonderful!

Babe O'Mara said...

I just love this set. What a beautiful job you did. Thanks for a chance to win it. I don't have a blog yet, but you are in my favorites.

Babe youiesmom@att.net

Amanda said...

Hi Michelle

Happy 40th Birthday, just wanted to say its my 40th on the 20th June so looks like us creative people share more things in common than paper lol.


fionalawlor said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday is also in June lol the 30th of June :o) This candy is gorgeous,thanks so much for the chance to enter.I have added it to my sidebar.
Fiona x

Murtuza said...

Happy Birthday...
Awesome blog and very creative stuff on display...

I am glad I am following your blog...

As for the button my personal blog is not active so would not be able to deliver on the third point.


Dragon Watcher said...

Happy Birthday !
And wow beautiful candy :)


Stacy H-W said...

Happy Birthday!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the yummy candy!! I have linked you to my sidebar here... www.scrapwithstacy.blogspot.com
xo stacy

Demae said...

happy Birthay!!!
Thanks for teh chance!!!

I love the stumpin'up products, but in my country, Spain, y cant buy them... I hope one day he have here demostrators!!! maybe i'll be one os them...

I do not put the cadys in the sidebar, just put one. but if a page just for them. I have to change the design of the blog to add the candys, but I now heve exams and I dont have time.

my blog: http://scrapfeelings.blogspot.com/p/blogs-candy.html


Elizabeth said...

Your site is awesome. You do wonderful work. Thanks for a chance to win some blog candy.

Heike's Creativeplace said...

Wow, what a wonderful Blogcandy. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar and i'm a follower.....


Iraildes said...

Ja estou aguardando rsrs
Manda k para o Brazil


Have just found your wonderful blog, and could not resist entering for the beautiful birthday candy. I will become a follower immediately! Details of your candy will be popped in my sidebar. Happy 40th!
Sylvia x

Leslie said...

Happy Birthday, your only as old as you feel!! here's to feeling like your in your twenties!! Thanks for posting the tutorial!

Chiara Handmade said...

Happy birthday!!! thank you very much for this chance!!!

Family American Style. said...

You have a wonderful talent and what you do is beautiful. You can share your site with others by going to Family American Style and go to Show off your creations. I'm also stopping by to let you know that I am doing a giveaway. Stop by and see.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Beautiful candy!!

Debbie said...

Hi Michelle, Thanks for the chance to win such yummy candy...and heres wishing you a very Happy 40th Birthday!

Debbie x

Véronique Dufour said...

Thank you for the chance to win this beautyfull candy! I linked it on my blog...

Simi said...

Wow, this is a great candy, thanks for chance to win it :>)
I´m your follower now and I also put your candy with a link in my blog.

Have a nice day!

loyaz said...

I can't figure out how to link to my sidebar, but I did refer to your candy on my blog
Happy Birthday and thanks for using my very favorite SU paper. Neat candy!

Sew Can Do said...

This is soooo pretty!!

Joyfulsister said...

Aloha From Hawaii..
I found your blog through a friend and saw you were having a giveaway. I would love to sign up to win your awesome blog candy :) I will add you to my sidebar for your giveaway and become a follower as well. Well I am off to look around your blog.

Blessings Lorie

O'Shelli said...

WOW! Great candy!
Happy Birthday Michelle!
I link this to my sidebar in my blog
Thanks for the chance to win and I 100 follower!!!

sequin said...

Thank you! Super candy! Looks amazing. I am follower and here my link http://fantasy-of-sequins.blogspot.com

Ганима said...

Hi! :)
Happy Birthday Michelle!
Thank you for the chance to win this candy!
I'm a follower and put the link to your blog in my blog - http://ghanimamyfairytale.blogspot.com/


Kendra said...

What beautiful Candy! Count me in!

Evelyn C said...

Amazing set you have for candy - would love to win it! fingers crossed x - happy Birthday - have added your candy to my blog and have now become a follower too - thanks for the chance x

Anonymous said...

thank you a beautiful gift and memory to have
gorgeous product

jovialjudi said...

Well Happy Birthday Michelle! Thanks for the chance to win!! Linking it on my sidevar! Just discovered your blog and I am so happt to have found you. What gorgeous work you do!! Hugs, Judi

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of your creations.

oksana-for you said...

Thanks for the chance to win this lovely blog candy!

Larisa said...

Michelle, thanks for nice candy ))) I linked it on sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win )))
Hugs. Larisa.

Mo said...

Dear Michelle!
Wow, wow, wow..., your candy is just gorgeous, I love it soooooooo much !!!
Lot's of greetings to beautiful Cairns, I loved to stay there for vacation...

Uda4a said...


Jennie Garcia said...

Awesome Giveaway. Love the Blog!! Take Care earthyscrap.blogspot.com

PawwPadd said...

Hi Michelle,
PawwPadd here, want to say in advance, HAPPY 40th!!! Whoo-Hoo! I've been there LOL! Thanks for the opportunity at winning the Lucious Blog Candy, IT'S GORGEOUS! I know who ever wins is going to love it!
See Ya Soon,

doni said...

Happy 40th! The bog candy is gorgeous! What a generous gift! I am adding a link on my sidebar, and I will be posting my birthday giveaway tomorrow night if anyone wants to pop over and join!

Unknown said...

Happy 40th Michelle! What a gorgeous and generous blog candy birthday gift. I am posting a link on my sidebar. I will be posting my birthday givaway tomorrow night if anyone wants to pop over to enter! Thanks for the chance!

Ukka said...

Such a cute giveaway!! I'm a follower & I've posted a link/pic of your giveaway on my sidebar(http://pishitejulie.blogspot.com/)
Many hugs,Ukka

Kras said...

And I realized as always last to be recorded
Happy Birthday Michelle
So please your bags but I have a big dream
but nothing to sit behind your computer and your dream
I love you

KarenB said...

Hi Michelle, I saw your gallery at Splitcoast Stampers and found your blog... just wanted to say I really enjoy looking at your cards! I hope you have a fabulous birthday! I have a magic number birthday later this year too :)
I've linked up your giveaway on my sidebar.

Vasilinka said...

Very good sweetie, thanks for the chance.
Greetings from Ukraine.
link on the side panels

I am a follower

jude said...

Happy birthday hope you have greatone.Thanks fora chance to win the gorjuss candy,Would love to win you so inspire me!.
Added to my Candy Jar and i am a follower.
Havw good day hugs judex

EFI said...

Michelle this is just too STUNNING!!! Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for the chance to win!!!

sucor said...

Happy Birthday! I enjoy your blog and love coming here for inspiration. I've learned a lot. Thank you! (I've been a follower for a while but I'm too new to paper crafting to have a blog so I can't enter your giveaway.)

Sonia said...

Hi Michelle
HB to you!!
You did a great creation, so beautiful love the colors!
I'm now your newest follower. Thanks for a chance to Win!
I've linked up your giveaway on my sidebar.

Good Luck!!


Doina said...

Great giveaway! Please count me in! I am a follower and put a link on my sidebar.

Rosana Garcia Hess said...

Very good sweetie, thanks for the chance. Greetings from Brazil

Mary said...

Great candy, thanks and Happy Birthday!

hovsa37 said...

Hi a am from Denmark, I love the things you can From Tina